



 Internationally Recognized Certification

¡Take your organization to the next level!





Internationally Recognized Certification

¡Take your organization to the next level!

Companies must have managers and professionals who develop Lean Six Sigma in corporate management. It is necessary that they have the skills and knowledge to lead organizational change with the application of the Lean Six Sigma methodology and the tools offered by the Industry 4.0.
These skills are requiered in order to make the right decisions to take your organization to the next level.
At the end of the Master you will obtain the following degrees:

Master’s Degree in Corporate Management Lean Six Sigma 4.0 & Black Belt

Awarded by the Catholic University of Murcia (Spain) and Lean Six Sigma Institute.

Do you want to know more about our Master’s Degree?


Fill in our form. We will
contact you to resolve any questions or
concern about the Master in Corporate Management

Don’t wait any longer!

¿Cómo conociste el Máster?

Why enroll in the Master??


In times of change like the current ones, it is necessary to discover the methodologies that leading companies from all over the world are using to adapt to the new era, known as “Industry 4.0”

Why Combine Lean Six Sigma
with Industry 4.0?

Industry 4.0 (robotics, big data, internet of things, simulation,
integration, cybersecurity, cloud computing, additive manufacturing,
augmented reality, etc.) has initiated the fourth industrial revolution.
However, it is not enough to generate structural change
in the company.

Today Lean Six Sigma has adapted to technological advances
to become the ideal management system that provides the
agility, flexibility, efficiency and productivity that companies
seek to achieve with such advances.

The fourth industrial revolution needs companies that work with the
authentic Lean Six Sigma system.


Is your company ready for this

There are tools that allow organizations to adapt to
an environment full of difficulties, and moving towards a new way
to understand and manage business.
These methodologies have proven their effectiveness over the last
50 years. Lean and Six Sigma have become the lever of
growth of organizations around the world, and many of them have gone on to become World Class companies.

Who is it for?

Are you one of those people?

Imagine that you are certified in Lean Six 
Sigma tools and with the ability to combine them with industry 4.0. This
will put you in a situation of clear advantage over many other

Want to know more?

Our figures and customers support us

“The Lean and Six Sigma training program taught by LSSI is excellent. The coaches are outstanding with a wealth of work experience in the Lean and Six Sigma areas. Looking to the future, we look forward to working with LSSI on our upcoming trainings.”

Kattey Wei

Senior HR Manager - Asia, New Balance

“LSSI trainers guided Abbott Laboratories’ EPD staff to develop a culture of continuous improvement, prepare a better trained and more effective in-house team, reduce costs in selected areas and increase revenue.”

Luz Arbelaez

Human Resource Director, Latin America & North America, Abbott Laboratories

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